The Sustainable Events Council (Conseil québécois des événements écoresponsables) was officially launched in January 2008 by the Réseau des femmes en environnement, a Montreal-based non-profit organization. Our aim is to facilitate and encourage the implementation of sustainable practices in the field of event planning. Our expertise flows from a team of diversified consultants across Quebec. Over the years, we have developed an expertise in the sustainability field and coached over 6,000 event planners in their efforts to integrate sustainable measures into their management operations.
In addition to ensuring a constant sharing of knowledge, stimulating the demand for environmentally responsible products and services, and offering a portal with a wealth of information, we mandated the Quebec Normalisation Office (BNQ) to design a standard that would promote the management of responsible events (available since June 2010). The Réseau des femmes en environnement and the CQEER are certified by the BNQ under this standard.
Our main areas of expertise :